(DC Pundit) – Portland, Oregon, the bastion of progressive paradise, has a new claim to fame, and it’s not artisanal coffee or bearded hipsters. No, it’s dysentery, the bacterial gut-punch that’s sweeping through the city. Symptoms include fever, cramps, vomiting, and diarrhea. How’s that for a Rose City renaissance?
The culprits? Portland’s sprawling homeless encampments, where the streets double as open-air latrines. KOIN News reports, “Dysentery is on the rise in the Portland metro area, according to recent data released by the Multnomah County Health Department. Also known as shigellosis, dysentery is a highly contagious bacterial disease that can cause fever, cramps, vomiting and diarrhea. It is spread very easily from person to person when someone gets fecal matter from an infected person into their mouth, health officials say.” A city that prides itself on inclusivity is now inclusively sharing fecal bacteria like it’s a communal potluck.
The numbers don’t lie, and neither does the stench. The health department’s data shows a steady climb in Shigella cases since 2012, with a huge jump from 2023 to 2024. Just this January, Multnomah County recorded 40 cases. Nearly 60 percent of these are tied to the homeless population, which isn’t shocking when you consider the city’s laissez-faire approach to tent cities and sidewalk sanitation. The report adds, “According to the health department, two types of Shigella typically circulate in Oregon. Although both strains can cause severe diarrhea, officials are not seeing the strain which can cause more severe or fatal illness. However, they note the strains circulating in Multnomah County are resistant to several antibiotics.” Comforting, right?
Let’s pause for a moment to appreciate the irony. Portland’s leaders, who love to lecture us about equity and compassion, have let their streets devolve into a literal cesspool. Homelessness isn’t just a sad story here—it’s a public health crisis, and dysentery is the disgusting proof. You’d think a city drowning in tax revenue from all those overpriced vegan bakeries could muster the will to tackle this, but apparently not. There are Third World nations that manage to keep dysentery at bay better than this supposed progressive utopia.
For its next trick, Multnomah County, Oregon is rebooting dysentery. pic.twitter.com/ntz7j4HzIU
— Jeff Eager (@Jeff_Eager) February 27, 2025
Soft-on-crime, soft-on-everything policies have consequences. The health department’s data from 2017 to 2024 paints a grim picture, and the fact that nearly 60 percent of cases stem from the homeless population should be a wake-up call. Instead, Portland’s leaders seem content to let taxpayers foot the bill for a problem they refuse to solve. It’s almost impressive how they’ve turned a First World city into a petri dish for diseases. Almost.
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