(DC Pundit) – College campuses are buzzing with a new sex trend that’s got healthcare pros on high alert. It’s not your run-of-the-mill fad; we’re talking about “honey packets” that promise to spice things up in the bedroom. However, these sweet little boosters might just be more trouble than they’re worth.
Male students are chowing down on these so-called natural enhancers, thinking they’ve struck gold in the sexual performance department. A TikTok video from Arizona State University shows guys bragging about how popular these packets have become. Apparently, they’re the bee’s knees on campus.
But here’s the kicker – these “all-natural” wonders aren’t exactly what they’re cracked up to be. USA Today did some digging and found out that many of these packets are playing hide-and-seek with pharmaceutical drugs. We’re talking about the same stuff you’d find in Cialis and Viagra. Now, don’t get me wrong, those meds have their place when prescribed by a doc. But sneaking them into honey? That’s a whole different ball game.
Dr. Jesse Mills from UCLA’s Men’s Clinic stated: “It’s crazy. You can go to any liquor store and truck stop and buy a honey packet, and you have no idea what’s in there.” Talk about a recipe for disaster!
These packets are flying under the FDA’s radar. They’re labeled as dietary supplements, which means they’re not getting the once-over before hitting the shelves.
Now, mix these mystery packets with a few cold ones at a college party, and you’ve got a potential health nightmare on your hands. Dr. Peter Leone from UNC laid it out straight: “I would worry about kids dropping their blood pressure, having issues around passing out or getting dizzy.” Not exactly the kind of excitement these students are after, if you catch my drift.
But let’s not beat around the bush – this trend is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to hookup culture. Dr. Mills hit the nail on the head when he said many of these guys aren’t dealing with real dysfunction; they’re just caught up in some weird competition that’s all in their heads.
So, what’s the bottom line? Sure, everyone wants to have a good time, but these unregulated supplements can be extremely risky. They’re a shortcut that could lead straight to the emergency room. Instead of potentially losing life and/or limb for a so-called better performance, maybe it’s time for these college kids to focus on what really matters – safe, consensual fun without the need for sketchy honey packets.
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